New Life South Africa has been the latest inclusion in the New Life global network and has made its presence felt owing to the high success rate of its infertility treatment packages. Way back from the year 2008, we have helped in the arrival of over 500 babies to intending parents from different corners of the world. Our IVF experts have helped intending parents with their dream of fulfillment of parenthood hailing from different countries like the US, UK, Canada, Australia, India, China, Japan and many other European countries.
We believe success in infertility treatment is a joint venture between New Life South Africa and the intending parents as there are many factors responsible. Among them, the quality of sperms and age of the couples are the chief determinants. So success in IVF treatment is not a fair comparison element as the character and the quality of parents in terms of sperm health, age and other physical attributes fluctuate widely from case to case.
In New Life South Africa, we pin point and check most of the factors that hamper a pregnancy. Our continuous endeavor, most modern laboratory techniques, dedicated, qualified and experienced staffs and their devoted services and last but not the least our extensive database of egg donors and surrogate mothers and their close involvement and dedication have helped us in a big way to achieve high success rates.
We can very well comprehend that infertility treatment brings upon the intending parent a considerable emotional and financial drainage which becomes very difficult to cope with. At this critical juncture, we stand beside them providing the necessary support so that the outcome of this stressful journey turns successful. The more the customers confide in us better is the likelihood of success.
At New Life South Africa, we assist every couple irrespective of their background especially those cases that apparently show a weak possibility of success in terms of delivery of a child. We are neutral in our judgment, committed to our duty, expert at our profession and compassionate towards our customers. This is the key to our huge success rate at New Life South Africa.
In our continuous quest for success in our infertility treatment journey, one of the key factors that play a major role is our transparency to the clients. We are honest and committed in our approach, and we feel that success is a shared enterprise where the client is involved as much as we are. One of the chief factors in our package is we educate our clients as regards what to do and what not to do during our treatment process. Strict adherence to our instructions naturally would make all the difference between success and failure in infertility treatment.
We are hundred percent committed to our customers and look forward to discharging our duties involving high precision techniques of IVF,ICSI,PGD with the highest level of proficiency such that our methods are sure-fire leading to triumph.